Wardog South Africa
Wardog South Africa

Wardog South Africa

Vendor Biography

Wardog came from a simple idea, create clothing that we would want to wear. Clothing that celebrated the values we hold dear such as brotherhood and service. As our ideas grew, we wanted to share our vision with others, and as such Wardog as a brand was established.

The designs we created, and continue to create, are centred around a few core ideas. The first that less is more. Sometimes you want to have a shirt that has a military vibe without screaming at everyone you walk past that you’re the “military type”.
The second is that patriotism and national pride is nothing to be ashamed of, and should be celebrated.
The third is that designs should be made to be worn by anyone, not just serving or former military.
Finally, just to have fun with the whole thing, not everything has to be super serious and profit driven, sometimes you can just create something because its fun to do and share with others.

We’re proud to have had the chance to outfit people from all walks of life, all over the world. We’ve sent off orders to Soldiers in the United States, Medics in the United Kingdom, Police Officers in Australia and Security Contractors in South Africa among many others.

We hope you’ll find something here you’ll love as much as we do.

Welcome to the Wardog Regiment, glad you’re here.