Ja Nee, Guck
Ja Nee, Guck

Ja Nee, Guck

Vendor Biography

Hello, my name is Tabea Röhrs. Born and raised in South Africa, but a German “through and through”. There are a lot more Germans in South Africa than you may think. Regarding mz upbringing, our mom always made sure that we spoke “proper” German (Hochdeutsch). However, there is a wide array of German dialects in this country of ours, Springbokgerman being one of them. Springbokgerman can be described as German that’s influenced by Afrikaans, English and even Zulu, with regards to vocabulary and grammatical structure. Although this dialect is in a league of its own, its uniqueness has a sense of beauty to it and often brings a smile to our faces. With “Ja Nee, Guck”, it is our wish to celebrate the South African German culture, to recognise and share its humor and to bring Springbokgerman to your doorstep with our products.